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Campsite Terms of Use, Rules & Manners】

Please cooperate so that all users can use the site comfortably.

⚫ Please keep the campsite and related facilities clean and use the shared facilities with others.

⚫ If the campsite judges your behavior to be inappropriate or a nuisance, please follow the instructions of the campsite.

⚫ Staff will not be available outside of hours (8:00-18:00).

The hotel entrance will be locked at 23:00.

⚫ All store and accommodation-related services are available until 18:00.

*If you need anything, please speak to a staff member by 18:00.

After 21:00, priority is given to those sleeping. Please keep quiet.

(Please be considerate of other guests and children who are sleeping.)

⚫ At least one adult (guardian or instructor) should stay with you in each tent.

⚫ We do not recommend use by children under 3 years old. It may be particularly cold in spring and autumn. Please consider carefully when bringing young children.

⚫ Flying or filming drones or wireless aircraft (including some wired ones) is prohibited.

⚫ The use of generators is prohibited. (The use of electrical outlets in buildings and facilities is prohibited.)

⚫ Do not engage in peddling, donations, or set up a shop without the permission of the campsite manager.

⚫ Do not enter restricted areas.

⚫ Please be sure to return the area and tools you used to their original state.

⚫ In the event of a fire or accident, please contact the reception desk immediately.

⚫ Please clean up after removing your tent. In particular, do not forget to check the pegs.

⚫ Lost items will be kept for one week.

⚫ Damaging trees or collecting plants without permission is prohibited.

⚫ There is no Wi-Fi equipment in the campsite.

Check-in and check-out

Check-in: 13:00-17:00 Check-out: 7:00-11:00

Please be punctual

⚫ You will be given a numbered peg and a bathing ticket when you check in.

⚫ Please return the numbered peg to the front desk when you check out.

Fees and payment

⚫ Please pay the basic fee (basic site fee and admission fee) at the reception.

⚫ You can pay by cash or credit card.

⚫ Other fees such as firewood, charcoal, and food can be paid at the reception each time, or if you plan to use them in advance, please inform us when paying the basic fee.

Please note that we cannot accept refunds if you do not use the facilities after payment.


Available hours are 13:00-21:00 (leave facility at 22:00), 6:00-9:30 (bath cleaning from 9:30)

* Shampoo, conditioner and body soap are available at the bath.

⚫ Bath towel rental 300 yen, face towel for sale 100 yen

* Please return only the bath towel to the front desk after bathing.

⚫ Mixed bathing is only available for children up to 1st grade. Mixed bathing is not permitted for children 2nd grade and above.

Due to the above precautions, you may encounter a 1st grade child bathing alone.

Adults, please keep a watchful eye on children bathing.

⚫ Because the bath is small, there is a limit to the number of people who can bathe at one time, so you may have to wait.

* It is very crowded from 14:00 to 16:00.

It is relatively less crowded from 18:00 to 20:00.

⚫ Drunk people and people with tattoos (including stickers) will not be allowed to enter or bathe.

Water area and washing area

⚫ The water area is for everyone to use, so please refrain from monopolizing it.

Please clean it up after use.

⚫ There are no trash cans at the water area. Please be sure to dispose of any food waste generated during cooking or washing dishes.

⚫ Please refrain from using a gas stove to cook or eat or drink at the water area.

⚫ Electric cooking appliances are not allowed. (We do not allow the use of electrical outlets in buildings, facilities, etc.)

⚫ The water area and washing area can be used until 9:00 p.m.

⚫ Please use the washing area for any muddy camping equipment (stoves, pegs, etc.) that you brought with you.

About bonfires

⚫ Bonfires are sold and bonfire stands are available for rental from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

⚫ Please be careful when handling fire.

Open flames are not allowed. Be sure to use the fire pit.

* Damage to the grass (white or blackened): 3,000 to 5,000 yen

About rental items

⚫ After informing reception, please take the rental items from the rental item storage area.

⚫ Return the items to the rental item storage area the next morning, and if you do not need the net, dispose of it in the net disposal area.

⚫ Please pay the full cost of lost or damaged rental items.

⚫ Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any accidents that occur while using rental items, so please use them with care.

About the children's playground

⚫ Precautions for use Do not ride if you weigh more than 40 kg.

⚫ Do not let children play alone.

⚫ Please be mindful of safety and never take any dangerous actions.

Also, please follow the instructions of staff promptly.

⚫ Playground equipment that is wet from rain is slippery and dangerous. Please be careful as the grass and grass in the park also become slippery when wet from rain.

⚫ When the sun is strong, the metal parts of playground equipment such as slides may become hot, so please be careful not to get burned.

⚫ We are not responsible for any accidents or troubles that occur on the site. Please be careful.

About musical instruments and music

⚫ Please refrain from playing music that can be heard from a distance or making loud noises, as we deem it a nuisance to other customers.

⚫ Regarding music, please enjoy only acoustic instruments that do not use amplifiers until 21:00.

⚫ Please be quiet after 21:00.

About fireworks

⚫ Fireworks are only allowed to be hand-held and are only allowed in the fireworks space.

Time is until 21:00. Fireworks that make loud noises (such as whistle rocket fireworks) are prohibited.

⚫ Please be careful when handling fire and cleaning up after use as they may cause fires.


⚫ Pets are not allowed inside the hotel or in restricted areas.

⚫ Pets are not allowed to run loose. Please keep them on a lead.

⚫ Owners are responsible for disposing of their waste.

⚫ Animals that scare others (such as fighting dogs) are not allowed to use the facility.

⚫ Please do not bark and cause trouble to those around you.

*Assistance dogs such as guide dogs, hearing dogs, and service dogs are allowed.

⚫ Please be considerate of those around you as some people are not good with animals.

⚫ We are not responsible for any trouble caused by pets.

How to dispose of garbage

Please separate your garbage and dispose of it in the garbage bin.

Only guests who have paid the garbage disposal fee at reception can use the campsite garbage dump.

Four types of garbage

① Burnable garbage (food waste, plastic bottle caps, plastic bottle labels, disposable chopsticks, paper plates, paper cups, plastic, cigarette butts, etc.)

② Plastic bottles (please throw away all contents)

③ Bottles and cans (please remove caps and lids)

④ Non-burnable garbage (bottle and can caps, lids, nets, etc.)

About the charcoal dump

⚫ After using charcoal, place ashes and embers from a bonfire in the charcoal dump after making sure they are completely extinguished.

⚫ Never pour water on a charcoal fire.

Water vapor is very hot, so you may get burned.

Ash will fly around along with the steam, staining your clothes or getting ash in the food of people nearby.

The stove may cool down suddenly and become deformed.

About smoking (no smoking anywhere)

⚫ Smoking is completely prohibited in this campsite (as is the case for paper-wrapped and heated stoves).

⚫ The smoking area is located next to the entrance of Hotel Izumi.

⚫ Please note that customers who do not follow the rules may be asked to leave immediately.

About using cars

⚫ We do not accept parking for customers who are not using this facility.

⚫ Please refrain from idling your car, taking into consideration environmental protection and the health hazards to surrounding users.

⚫ When moving your car within the campsite, please drive slowly and be aware of your surroundings.

⚫ Please refrain from entering or leaving your car early in the morning or after sunset to prevent accidents.

⚫ Please be considerate when opening and closing car doors at night, as the sound will echo more than you might imagine.

⚫ If you have an accident within the facility, please contact the police or other authorities to deal with the situation.

⚫ We are not responsible for any accidents or troubles in the parking lot.

About bad weather

⚫ We are open even in rainy weather.

However, this does not apply if the Japan Meteorological Agency issues a warning or special warning level or higher for the Iburi area of ​​Hokkaido, including Shiraoi Town.

In addition, if we cancel your reservation in such a case, we will not charge a cancellation fee.

⚫ If a warning or special warning is issued after sunset on the day of use, please make your own safety your top priority and make the decision and take action to evacuate quickly. Please note that this campsite cannot be held responsible for evacuation decisions made by customers based on their own judgment.

⚫ In the event of a thunderstorm or heavy rain, please evacuate to the hotel or other facilities.

About risks during use

⚫ Humans must make efforts to keep wild animals away (especially when disposing of garbage and not approaching wild animals' habitats unnecessarily, etc.)

⚫ This campsite is not a place where safety is guaranteed.

There are various risks, such as accidents due to encounters with animals, accidents such as fallen trees due to strong winds, accidents due to gusts of wind, lightning accidents, risk of children being lost, accidents due to automobiles, and risk of theft. We accept reservations from those who agree to use the facility at their own risk while being close to nature.

Refusal of use

⚫ As a campsite manager, we will do our best to prevent accidents, provide maintenance, and explain the situation, but we believe that users can have a safe and enjoyable time if they understand and act with consideration. If you do not agree or sympathize with the above

⚫ When an act that violates laws, regulations, or public order and morals is recognized

When verbal or physical actions that cause inconvenience to other customers are recognized

⚫ Use by organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, or similar entities, or members of such groups (hereinafter referred to as "anti-social forces")

⚫ When there have been inconveniences with the content of use in the past. (Including violations of employee warnings or rules)

⚫ When an employee determines that use must be canceled due to bad weather, etc. The representative user will be contacted.

⚫ Staff will warn and instruct users to improve if they do not follow the rules and precautions.

If you do not follow the staff's warnings and improvement instructions, you may be forced to leave regardless of the time of day.

Compensation for damages to customers

⚫ In addition to the provisions of these terms and conditions, if the campsite suffers damage due to your intentional or negligent actions, we will claim damages from the customer.


⚫ This facility is not responsible for any damage suffered by users due to natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, lightning, snow, earthquakes, fires, theft, trouble between users, equipment failure, accidents or injuries related to insects and animals, burns, or other reasons that are not attributable to the facility.

⚫ All use of this facility and safety management are at the user's own risk (please be especially careful if there are minors, pregnant women, elderly people, or people in poor health). We are not responsible for any accidents, illnesses, etc. that occur during the use of this facility or while entering or leaving the facility due to reasons that are not attributable to the facility.